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> Intraforaminal O2-O3 versus Periradicular Steroidal Infiltrations in Lower Back Pain: Randomized Controlled Study, American Journal of Neuroradiology, Bonetti, et al, 2005
Bonetti, et al
Article: This is a blinded study which compares epidural Oxygen-Ozone mixture to the usual steroids. It is in a major peer reviewed journal.
> Minimally Invasive Ozone-OxygenTherapy for Lumbar Disc Herniation
Research Paper:
Research Paper:
Research Paper:
Article: Ozone, best known for its protective role in the earth’s ecological harmony, and for its interaction at ground level with industrial pollutants, has unique biological properties which are being investigated for applications in various medical fields.
> Intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy
Ron Kennedy, M.D.
Article: Edited by Richard Gracer, MD (May 2005) and used by permission

Bio-oxidative medicine is the addition of oxygen directly to the tissues of the body in the form of singlet oxygen (lone oxygen atoms) in a highly reactive state.


> Treatment of Degenerative Arthritis with Human Growth Hormone either with or without Intraarticular Ozone and Regenerative Injection Therapy
Richard Gracer, M.D.
Article: Degenerative arthritis is a common and often disabling condition that plagues many of us as we age. The most commonly affected joints are the knee and the hip, although the other joints can also be involved.


> Rectal Ozone Insufflation
Richard Gracer, M.D.
Article: In the words of Renate Viebahn (a German physician and authority ozone therapy) “Rectal Insufflation is 95-96% as effective as Major Autohemotherapy”.
